Field Grey likes – Independence Day Clothing that Revolutionises Fashion for Disabled People


Getting dressed is something we all do every day. Well, apart from naturists. Deciding what to wear can be a challenge for most of us, but we take for granted the physical act of putting on whatever we’ve chosen.

For people with learning difficulties, the simple task of putting on clothes can be a major struggle, both for themselves and their carers.

A US-based clothing line aims to combat these difficulties with a range of garments designed specifically for ease of wear. Independence Day Clothing manufactures outfits for men, women and children with a host of ergonomic and functional design details.


Firstly, all garments can be worn both ways, eradicating the possibility of putting clothes on back to front – the “reverse nation” is at the centre of the company’s ethos. Garments are equally metered at key areas. This might seem like a simple detail, but as this video shows, it can have a massive impact on both carer and cared for’s morning. An autistic adult can take thirty minutes to get dressed in a morning.


Other design details include hidden pockets for GPS tracking devices, for parents and guardians’ piece of mind. A small GPS tracking device can be placed in the pocket and in the event of a child or disabled adult wandering off, the device can be easily located. The compartments are fitted in strategic areas so that the wearer is almost unaware of its existence and will never sit or lean on the device.


Garments are also free of hassle-inducing features such as flies, zips, buttons or other fastenings. There are a variety of styles and while it may not be the most fashion-forward collection, the range is sure to revolutionise the lives of those who struggle with the simple task of getting dressed.

For more information, visit the website.

Thanks to Mental Floss for sharing this.

See alsoClothing